The world's Best Caller-up ID and Spam Block app
What we execute
#1 trusted Caller ID app
Trusted and used by over 300 million people to name calls and SMS from around the world.
Residential area-based spam coverage
Real-time spam reportage allows for accurate and quick protection from scams, telemarketers, fraud and more.
Machine-block junk e-mail calls and SMS
Stop spam in its tracks - or before it rings. You'll never have to trouble about other spammer getting through.
Safe and efficient communication
Choose a better way to communicate past letting Truecaller make smart choices.
Building the succeeding generation of Caller I.D..
Truecaller has always been innovating when it comes to your calling experience. With, Predict Understanding, Truecaller Caller ID will tell you why the person is calling!
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Fashioning an Touch on through Truecaller.
Truecaller was created to identify World Health Organization was calling, but today it is being used to fight crime, and help loved ones.
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What do our users enjoin about us?
I am so happy that I downloaded this app! The number of Spam calls that were known in just a week were surprising.
Rahat Anwar
Thanks to @Truecaller for notifying a second earlier getting a call, then that i dismiss trip the Airplane mode. 😂
Netflix and frisson is all cool but wealthy person you well-tried Truecaller and ignore the calls ☺️
Truecaller notifying active the call in before even ringing is and then just that I tooshie put my phone on Airplane mode to fend off the call. Highly recommended app.
Definitely worth trying this app!! Robo/Spam calls down from 40-50 per day to just few.
If you retrieve why coiffe I take time in picking up your call, it's because I am ready for Trucaller to identify your bi.
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Trust your communication with Truecaller.
Trusted away concluded 300 million people, Truecaller is proud to be a leader in caller I.D. and junk e-mail blocking software as well as research around birdcall and SMS harassment.
app that talks to spam callers